Right now you can request a free digital early review copy of The Premonitions Club on BookSirens.com. Just follow the link! I hope you enjoy the story. Please consider leaving a review as it does help the book as publication nears. (Coming 4/22/25)
A Message from Santa’s Elf – The Perfect Gift To Give Yourself This Year
Happy Holidays! As we head into the New Year, I thought it is the perfect time to do this post. It’s not about books but about a health journey I’ve been on. This year two things have super charged my life that I wanted to share with you because I think it’s the perfect gift to give yourself. (I’m so glad I did it!)
The first one is the rebounder trampoline. You know those little trampolines that were so popular in the 90s? Well in my extensive “writerly” research :-), I found out NASA considers the rebounder trampoline the best exercise on the planet. Bouncing on it for 10-minutes is the same as a 30-minute run but without any of the stress on your body. Jumping and getting a momentary suspension of gravity has an incredible positive effect on your cells. It’s good for joint pain, body swelling, hormone balancing, boosting your metabolism… I could go on. And doing a more sedate “health bounce,” where you keep your feet on the trampoline but still bounce for 3-5 minutes, completely flushes your lymphatic system and boosts your white blood cell count and immune system for hours after you’ve done it.
I got mine back in March and jump it every morning. I’m absolutely addicted to it. Here’s the one I got from Amazon. This does have an affiliate link. I truly can’t recommend it enough! I tell everyone about it when I have the chance. I got this particular brand because it has the top mat extended to the very edge so your foot won’t fall through one of the elastic openings. I also got the 48″ so I can do jumping jacks etc. without worry of falling off an edge. I am clueless when it comes to assembling anything, so I recommend getting the assembly. (I had someone on Taskrabbit to come assemble mine. It took him less than hour.)
The second thing is a vibrating plate that you stand on. Again NASA uses this on their astronauts to increase bone density. The benefits of standing on a plate are enormous. It flushes your lymphatic system as well, strengthens your bones, speeds up your metabolism, and can alleviate aches and pains. I’m also on my plate every morning without fail. I jump on the trampoline for at least 15 minutes and I get on the plate for 15. Both are invigorating.
Here is the plate I got on Amazon. There are plenty of choices out there, but this one seemed pretty basic and wasn’t too expensive. It also has arm band attachments if you want to work out your arms while you do it.
So if one of your New Year’s Resolutions is to get healthier, these two things, hands down, will do more for you than you can imagine. They make great gifts too! (Okay maybe not the trampoline, lol, since it is big.)
It’s been said, Health is the greatest form of wealth, and I couldn’t agree more. I wish you an incredibly healthy New Year.
How to Get Signed Books From Me ♥
If you would like any one of my books signed or personalized, now you can order them from Murder By The Book in Houston, Texas and they will ship it to you! Just leave your instructions in the comments section of your order.
Click here to go to their Houston area Authors Page where you will find me under W.
Thank you & I hope you enjoy the books!
Get an ARC for The Premonitions Club!
I’m excited to share the news readers can request an early review copy of The Premonitions Club at BookSirens.com! Click on the image to go to the book’s page.
Joining Writer Unboxed!
I’m thrilled to join the team of contributors at Writer Unboxed. I have been a huge of fan of the site for years and have done a few guest posts in the past. It’s the first place I always tell writers to check out when they are looking for online resources. If you’re a writer and haven’t discovered Writer Unboxed yet, you can sign up for the daily blog post, which covers a myriad of topics relating to writing and publishing.
My post today is on my favorite topic – Intuitive Writing. Visit the website to check it out! See you there!
Audiobook Lovers!
The Time Collector is having a Featured Deal on Bookbub’s Chirp through 3/22. Click here to visit.